Club Constitution
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Articles and By-laws

ARTICLE I. Name and Purpose:

(a.) 1. The name of this non-profit organization shall be the
Albert County Trail Blazers Inc. ATV Club.

(b.) 1. The purpose of the club is to advance the sport of ATVing, and the positive aspects of ATV use, through the education of its members and the general public.
2. To encourage club members to always ride respectfully, environmentally conscious and in accordance with all applicable laws.
3. To promote a positive image through community service.

ARTICLE II. Membership & Fees:

(a.) 1. Membership shall be open to any non-owner or owner of a legally registered and insured All Terrain Vehicle who submits a club membership application and agrees to the listed membership fee(s), club rules, ethics, goals and liability responsibilities.
2. "Primary Member" shall be the main ATV owner or non-owner, club member of a family.
3. "Spouse/Child" members must be ATV owners or non-owners related to the Primary Member as such and living within the same household.
4. "Child" members must be of age 17 or younger.
5. Members under the age of 14 must be accompanied by their "Primary Member", or approved guardian member at all club activities and functions.
6. Membership period will be of one calendar year from January 1 to December 31.
7. The Board of Directors retains the right to review each application for consideration of approval and rejection (with written and just cause).
8. The Board of Directors cannot, and will not, discriminate against any applicant on the basis of race, creed, religion, color, age, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, marital status or national origin.
9. Membership shall be a privilege and revocable by the Board of Directors under the terms of this constitution. Any member may be suspended or expelled from the club for conduct obviously contrary to the activities, purposes, and goals of the club or for conduct which impairs the rights of fellow members to enjoy the benefits of the club. Report of the offence must be in writing and submitted by a club member. After the report is submitted to the Board of Directors, a copy must be forwarded to the accused member who must then receive 24 hours written notice of a hearing before the Board of Directors. The accused member may be suspended or expelled after consultation and consideration of the offence.
10. Members in good standing will have complete authority to vote at all attended club meetings on any given issue(s).
11. Members in good standing have the right to run for any position within the Executive Committee at time of election(s).

(b.) 1. Membership fees shall be determined by the discretion and opinion of the Board of Directors and will be effective through the fiscal year running January 1 to December 31 pending approval of the general membership body.
2. Portions of the membership fees will be submitted as membership dues to the New Brunswick ATV Federation.

ARTICLE III. Meetings:

(a.) 1. General meetings will be held for all members on a minimum Bi-monthly basis.
2. One weeks notice must be given for any meeting in which an election is to be held.

(b.) 1. The Board of Directors will meet on a minimum monthly basis.
2. A representative of any sub-committee may be required to attend the Board of Directors meetings.

(c.) 1. Meetings will be conducted in an orderly fashion with attending members able to open a discussion on any given issue.
2. Any and all issues can be voted into policy providing the presence of two members of the Board of Directors, one of whom must be the President or Vice-President, and a quorum are present.
3. A quorum will consist of a minimum of 25 voting members.
4. Any issues discussed can be tabled until which time the minimum requirements for a vote as listed in Article III.(c.)2 are established.

ARTICLE IV. The Board of Directors:

(a.) 1. The Board of Directors will consist of the Executive Committee made up of one of each of President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and a minimum of six voted-in Directors.
2. The Board of Directors shall conduct official business, on behalf of the club, consistent with club policies, ethics, and rules.
3. The Board of Directors shall report to the general membership regularly as listed in ARTICLE III.(a.)1.
4. The Board of Directors will draw up an agenda for all general meetings.
5. The Board of Directors shall establish, and solicit a Chairperson and members for any sub-committee(s) as they deem necessary for the operations and functions of the club.
6. Membership within the Board of Directors is for a one-year term only.
7. No member of the Executive Committee may hold any one position for more than two consecutive terms unless open nominations for eligible candidates for the position are unsuccessful.
8. Membership of the Board of Directors will be limited to member 18 years of age or older.

(b.) 1. Any member in good standing shall be eligible to become a member of the Board of Directors.
2. Election of the Board of Directors members must be held on a regular scheduled, annual basis.
3. In case of resignation, dismissal, or termination of any Board of Directors member, an election of a replacement must take place at the next general meeting that the appropriate conditions exist as stated in ARTICLE III.(c.)2.

ARTICLE V. Duties of the Members of the Executive Committee:

(a.) 1. The President shall have the primary responsibility for all legal and financial affairs of the club.
2. The President shall call and attend, as well as act as, or designate a chairperson, for all club meetings.
3. The President shall vote on any issue(s) only in the event as to act as a tiebreaker.
4. The President will be considered an ex officio officer of any sub-committees.
5. The President shall be the official spokesperson of the club, representing the policies, views and opinions of the club in its relations with the public, all governments, and authorities.
6. The President will have the authority to co-sign, with the Treasurer, any cheques written on club account cheques.

(b.) 1. The Vice-President shall act as President and retain the powers of President in the case of the absence, inability to act, resignation, or termination of the President.
2. The Vice-President will have the authority to co-sign, with the treasurer, any cheques written on club account cheques.
3. The Vice-President shall be responsible to keep up to date on all club affairs.
4. The Vice-President will assist the President as called upon to do so.

(c.) 1. The Secretary shall attend and record all minutes of the Board of Directors meetings and the general membership meetings.
2. The Secretary will retain a list of eligible voting members for attendance purposes.

(d.) 1. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all expenditures and receivables and maintain accurate records.
2. The Treasurer shall be the primary signer of any cheques written on club account cheques.
3. The Treasurer shall prepare and provide an up to date, accurate financial statement at every meeting and/or when called upon to do so, given reasonable notice.
4. The Treasurer shall consent to a financial audit not less than annually by persons or a committee appointed by the Board of Directors and agreed to by the general membership body.

ARTICLE VI. Finances and Expenditures:

(a.) 1. All monies received from all sources shall be immediately turned over to the Treasurer to be deposited into the account of The Albert County Trail Blazers Inc. ATV Club.
2. No withdrawal of any funds from the club bank account will exceed $ 1000 without prior approval of a majority of the general membership body.

ARTICLE VII. Amendments:

(a.) 1. Any amendment(s) to this constitution require(s) an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the eligible voting membership, as listed in Article III.(c.)2, present at a regularly scheduled general meeting.
2. One weeks notice must be given to the general membership of any pending constitutional amendment(s).